Hand in Hand with Differently-Abled, Sharing Life Together

Enabling a Brighter Future for People with Disabilities

“The assistance to the disabled requires not only compassion but also expertise.”

– Xiaojie Zheng (Founder of Xinmu Foundation)

Learn About Us Through Videos


We are Trustworthy


The fundraising amount and operational projects of the foundation will be completely transparent.

Supported by Fortune Global 500 Companies

Supported by Over 10 Fortune Global 500 Companies Year-round, Including CCTV, Alibaba, Microsoft, HSBC, UBS, and Others.

Innovative Projects

Since its establishment, we have initiated numerous innovative projects and activities to assist people with disabilities.

20 Years

Through storms and challenges over the past 20 years, our commitment to assisting people with disabilities remains unwavering.

Our Projects

Xinmu Cinema

After over a decade of exploration, we have developed a method to compensate for visual information loss—Visual Narration. Through this technique, we describe the world to the visually impaired, allowing them to ‘see’ through words. Trained narrators provide accurate and vivid descriptions of the scenes as movies play, supplementing visual information and enabling visually impaired individuals to experience a complete film.

Blind Children Reading Assistance Program

The world of the blind and the sighted are fundamentally different. In the same environment, the information accessed by both sides is unequal. In situations with such information gaps and lack of communication, misunderstandings easily arise. To mitigate this, HeartVision Foundation produces international standard audio books for blind children. These books are created using visual narration to disseminate knowledge and bridge the gap between the visually impaired and the sighted.

If I were given three days of darkness...

The ‘Three Days of Darkness’ Experience Project is an educational initiative where sighted individuals immerse themselves in darkness to empathize with the visually impaired. Only through firsthand experience can one truly understand, and only by experiencing it can we provide better professional services. Therefore, not only volunteers, but also our organization’s staff members undergo simulations of typical life experiences of blindness.

WeChat Official Account News

Blind People Also Have Unlimited Possibilities! Listen to This Member of the Democratic Party Talk About Stories with the Visually Impaired Community

July 18, 2023

In recent days, Zheng Xiaojie, a member of the China Democratic League, Chairman of HongDanDan, and Director of the Xinmu Foundation in Beijing, shared the story of Red Dandan’s 20 years with the visually impaired community with journalists from the Tuanjie Bao and Tuanjie Net.

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Note: Currently, all the WeChat official reports only available in Chinese

A Unique Job: Assisting Blind Children with Reading, Enriching the Inner World of Visually Impaired Youngsters

July 12, 2023

Zeng Xin, a staff member at the HongDanDan Visually Impaired Service Center, has congenital eye disorders, making the world perpetually blurry for her. Unable to see the words on the pages, her favorite moments come when she ‘listens’ to books with her ears every day.

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Note: Currently, all the WeChat official reports only available in Chinese

Xinmu Foundation Participates in the 2023 Beijing Core Volunteer Training Program

June 16, 2023

From June 12th to June 16th, 2023, HeartVision Foundation actively participated in the 2023 Beijing Core Volunteer Training Program jointly organized by the Communist Youth League Beijing Committee, Beijing Youth College, and Beijing Volunteer Service Guidance Center at the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press International Conference Center.

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Note: Currently, all the WeChat official reports only available in Chinese

The Inaugural Board Meeting of Xinmu Foundation Held Grandly, Charting a New Chapter in Public Welfare!

June 10, 2023

After nearly a month of careful preparation and organization, the inaugural board meeting and transition ceremony of the Beijing HeartVision Foundation’s first council was successfully held on June 10, 2023, at 2 PM. This meeting brought new hope and energy to Xinmu Foundation, outlining a grand blueprint for future charitable endeavors.

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Note: Currently, all the WeChat official reports only available in Chinese

The Xinmu Sports Event: Warming Hearts at the Workers' Stadium

June 02, 2023

On the evening of June 2, 2023, at the Workers’ Stadium, during the 6th home game of Beijing Guoan, with 46,177 spectators in attendance, Beijing Guoan defeated Changchun Yatai 4-3. In this thrilling match, our ‘HeartVision Sports Event: Warming Hearts at the Workers’ Stadium’ charity event was also successfully held at the Workers’ Stadium.

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Note: Currently, all the WeChat official reports only available in Chinese


Past and Future Plans

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